2014年9月9日 星期二

《小明去倫敦》(中英混合版)李家仁、奶油豬、Mazak Association

合唱:奶油豬、Mazak Association

Siu Ming takes a ride
Siu Ming takes a ride in London Town

講萬卷書 行萬里路 去倫敦睇世運要趁早
人人齊競賽 世界就有進步
做人要謙虛 唔使咁霸道
好人好難做 不過幾難都要做
尊敬老師 孝順父母 唔通你地話我唱小明好老土
周圍去見識下 真係樂陶陶

Bubble Tea Chocolate Rain
Something old and something new
The Town is changing, the rains still fall
This is the old London Town

The palace of Westminster
The good old days, Henry the King,
The Royal Wedding of Kate and William
Talking of the talks of the down

Take a trip to London Town
Going up Going down
Turning left and turning right
Sing a song of London Town

Let's Go !
Siu Ming takes a ride
Siu Ming takes a ride
Siu Ming takes a ride in London Town

讀書學做人 並非求分數
貪字得個貧 你又知唔知道 萬丈高樓係從地起
唔努力鍛練 金牌點會得到
貪官皆下品 惟有志氣高 經一事長一智
唔愛惜光陰 你會後悔到老
K仔咪亂試 做人與做事都切勿胡塗

Take a trip to London Town
Going up Going down
Turning left and turning right
Sing a song of London Town

Let's Go !
Siu Ming takes a ride
Siu Ming takes a ride
Siu Ming takes a ride in London Town

Let's Go !
See the London Bridge
See the London Bridge
See the London Bridge before the sun is down

